New Art Projects

Blackberries WIP

Because I always enjoy seeing step-by-step processes of art pieces, I’ve been taking pictures throughout the process of my most recent watercolors.

First up: Blackberries

Supplies: 140 lb. Arches cold-press paper, pencil, watercolors, Q-tips (to lift paint), and probably a bit of Doc Martin’s Bleed-Proof White (for highlights of berries)

1. Wash of background colors and tracing with graphite/carbon paper


2. Complete stems


3. Begin work on berries and leaves; skipping around while each element dries. I’ve also added some branches in the background to add more depth to the image.



4. Continue to slowly build up berries and leaves, being careful not to over-paint any portion while it’s drying.





My work area during the final stages of the painting.


The completed painting:

Blackberries watermark SM


And now that you’ve scrolled through all of that, here’s a time-lapse video. Ooo, so fancy.

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